PBM - EWBills Pre-Bills Module
User guide

Step 3 - Prepare

After the Import - Prepare or Close is offered. To continue processing click on the Prepare button.
Note you can filter the Pre-Bill list with Query Wizard but also SHOW pre-bills that have been transferred, tagged as “Do Not Use”, or have no charges linked to it.
Also for each list, you will see 5 key status columns:
1.     T = Transferred
2.     D = Tagged as Do Not Use
3.     O = Tagged as Override Duplicate Issue and use anyway
4.     I  = Clear if no issues found, others code letters for issues detected
A legend for these Issues can be seen by hovering over the L button.
The other buttons to the right of the lists are actions for that list:
1.     A = Add a New Pre-Bill
2.     O = Open the highlighted Pre-Bill
3.     D = Delete the highlighted Pre-Bill
4.     L = Show Issue Legend (see above)
5.     V = View the highlighted Pre-Bill
6.     - = Toggle Do Not Use Flag
Also note the information to the right – is displaying some key information for the highlighted Pre-Bill including the status of “Available To Transfer”
For the pre-bill charges, all the buttons are the same except the v/^ button that either associates or un-associates the highlighted charge to or from highlighted pre-bill. The availability of a charge to a pre-bill is the similar job cost code.
Likewise, to the right of these buttons are summary key data for the highlighted charges as well as the status of that charge i.e. “Available To Transfer” or “Has Problem Issues”.
From these lists, we can adjust, add, or even delete pre-bills or charges as well as associate and un-associate charges to bills.  Shown below, the tabs above the charges contain the charges that are either:
1.     Associated or linked with the highlighted pre-bill
2.     Unassociated/Related with the highlighted pre-bill mean not linked but have the same job cost code.
3.     Unassociated/Unrelated contain charges that are neither linked to the highlighted pre-bill nor have the same job cost code.
4.     All charges that require some adjustments due to identified issues regardless of being linked to the highlighted pre-bill or its job cost code.
The following screens show the entry forms for pre-bills, labor, equipment, and material charges. In each, you will see the highlighted colored areas:
1.     GREEN = key data that makes a record unique
2.     TURQUOISE =status information
3.     PINK  =  possible identified issues
4.     YELLOW = two checkboxes that determines to use or not use the record
The remaining fields are filled in from the export, OR you can enter the information, OR you can leave it as is and adjust in EWBills after transfer.
Adjustments can be made at the charge level – modifying the billing hours different from the original exported hours if needed. Identified Issues can be adjusted to remove the Issue Codes tagged to the charge. Even adding additional charges as needed especially Material/Invoiced charges.
Equipment charges are like the Labor charges. The Equipment and Rate information were looked up and saved during the Import process and can be adjusted here if necessary due to issues or incorrect information – otherwise it should be ready to go.
The Employee and Rate information were looked up and recorded during the Import process and can be adjusted here if necessary due to issues or incorrect information – otherwise it should be ready to go.
Note that for BOTH labor and equipment time card charges we allow the concept of regular time (RT), overtime (OT), and double time (DT) in the export file and pre-bill. We create the additional bill automatically for a separate double time charge if necessary during the transfer into EWBills.
PBM uses HJ in a number of ways to produce “Invoiced” (Material) charges that includes:
1.     Material, Subcontractor, and Expense (MSE). Because the information from HJ MSE is only tentative i.e. does not represent a REAL invoice – we record it as an Invoice Reminder. This means it is a holding place for you to fill in the blanks like Vendor ID, Invoice Number, Invoice Date, Invoice Description, and Cost.
2.     When an equipment charge is designated as a Rental hence an invoiced item, an Invoice Reminder is created for those charges too. In this case, the leading R or T in the equipment number can trigger the creation of a material charge instead of an equipment charge.