PBM - EWBills Pre-Bills Module
User guide

Step 2b - Import

When the file has been imported into PBM, the file will move from the Available folder and tab to the Archived folder and tab.
During the IMPORT process, depending on business rules of agencies like Caltrans when the respective jobs are linked to their project Owners in EWBills. For instance, the number of charges allowed per charge type (labor, equipment, or material) per bill is adjusted by splitting up bills as needed as well as having labor charges with either OT (overtime) or DT (double time) hours is adjusted for either in splitting charges as needed.
Each file has an assigned batch number and is posted in an Import Log when it is imported into PBM.
Now we move to the TRANSFER tab. What you will see is a list of jobs that have pre-bills in queue to be processed for transferring into EWBills. Above the list is a set of filters to zero in on just the jobs that one needs to focus on and process.
This shows all jobs in the queue. Each job can have an assigned key user. This is setup in the Help and Setup tab which is shown later in this documentation.