PBM - EWBills Pre-Bills Module
User guide

Step 2 - Evaluate/Import

Verify the file name that should show HJ for HeavyJob as the source, your company nick name, date and time of the export file in the format YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS. Then click the Start button.
If there are issues, they will show up as displayed in the list below. Basically looking at the first column Job, you will see toward the top – a non-job related reference in brackets [ ] – these are company resources that need your attention like missing or inactivated lookups. These are generic and probably anyone can fix these by double clicking on that row or highlighting that row and clicking on the relevant button at the top that is enabled.
Okay let's Re-evaluate and Fix the issues:
Click Close and this window appears to ask for a new re-evaluate since the CCO is now handled by the last fix but not cleared yet.
This will do the import and send you to Prepare. See the Import section nextto see the archiving of the export file and the log for the import.