Once the Prepare process is completed for a job, the Transfer to EWBills would be the next step. You are not required to finish fixing all the pre-bills to do a Transfer. You only need one pre-bill ready to go and the Transfer option is available for your job – highlight the job and click on TRANSFER or right click.
This Transfer window will appear with all the available pre-bills for the job to be tagged and transferred.
Tagging can be done by double clicking on a row or using the Selection Options – Tag All or Tag Highlighted. Likewise un-tagging works the same way. A count is displayed for the total records on the list as well as the tagged count.
The tagged pre-bills are shown with the red check mark in the first column. When you are ready with the selection, click on the Transfer into EWBills button to start the quick process.
When the process is complete, a tally will show how many pre-bills and charges were transferred.
Upon clicking OK the transferred records will disappear for the available list and the count adjusted.