EWBills - Extra Work Billings and Payment System
(Updated September 6 2024)

2023 Webinars

Next Scheduled Webinar: Friday January 5, 2024 11:10am PT
Summary of Recording Links
When the recording begins, we suggest that you click the Full Screen button located at the top right of the Share pod. At the bottom of this Share pod, there is a slide bar that you can use to quickly locate parts of the webinar you wish to view.
Recording Topics and Links
Click on the MindMap Image below to be able to expand topics.
Click on the MindMap Image below to be able to expand topics.
Click on the MindMap Image below to be able to expand topics.
Click on the MindMap Image below to be able to expand topics.
PLEASE NOTE: The Caltrans Equipment Rental Rate PDF Booklet has incorrect rates in it at the time of this webinar.
Caltrans identified at least 60 of them. You do NOT need to make any changes. The rates in EWBills and in Caltrans iEWB and Caltrans CSV file on their website are correct.
If you submit bills using Caltrans Equipment Rates to a Non-Caltrans Owner - they may question the rates in your bills because they are comparing it to what they see in the PDF.
Have them refer to the CSV file and confirm this situation with Caltrans if they want to - contact information is in the FAQ in the Misc Equipment Rate Section of the Caltrans website.
Click on the MindMap Image below to be able to expand topics.
Click on the MindMap Image below to be able to expand topics.
Click on the MindMap Image below to be able to expand topics.
Click on the MindMap Image below to be able to expand topics.
Click on the MindMap Image below to be able to expand topics.
Note: Sorry about the screen distortions even in Full Screen mode in the recording but we will fix this before the next webinar.