EWBills - Extra Work Billings and Payment System
(Updated September 6 2024)

2022 Webinars

Summary of Recording Links
When the recording begins, we suggest that you click the Full Screen button located at the top right of the Share pod. At the bottom of this Share pod, there is a slide bar that you can use to quickly locate parts of the webinar you wish to view.
Recording Topics and Links
Sample of Email sent to new users or returning users.
Login Window - if you forgot your password - Click Forgot Password.
Quick Tour
Lots of reminders from previous webinars but main focus was the Caltrans Equipment Rental Rate mid-year correction for rising fuel rates.
Important Links:
Note: Unfortunately in the last month Adobe Connect automatically changed the default recording setting so that the shared pod cannot be maximize as previously allowed. You will be able to click on the mind map below to expand and collapse the topics. Fortunately all recording in the future will be back to normal after the vendor gave us instruction to revert back the setting to what we originally had - except for this recording.
This was short and sweet webinar walking through the Labor Rate update for the new Rate Year.
Refer to Webinar Guide for this Webinar
- Browser Based Access to EWBills
- Future Work Perform Date - looking to enhance to allow
- Email Address - typo or person no longer with the organization - fix in Job setup, Transfer tab
- Markup / Labor Surcharge / Bill Surcharge (NTS Forms Only)
- Job Markup - see contract specifications for percentages for Labor, Equipment, Material, and Subcontract
- FTP - Caltrans change coming because of Governor's CyberSecurity Initiative
      - we have been working with Caltrans to impement their mandate to change
      - expect things to be a little different
- FTP - Setup - Owner Level and Job Level
- FTP - use of the _FTP checkbox
- FTP - Prime Contractor see Notes tab
- Subcontractor Invoice added to Material Charge for Caltrans billing
- Caltrans Org List - CEM-4905 and CEM-4906 Forms to get new contractors on the List **
- Company Master - Caltrans Contractor Organization List versus EWBills Entity Link List
- Employee Utilization - Inspector Series
- Employee Setup - checkbox: Setup Optional Fixed Rates
- Work Perform Date and Rates - When checking make sure you are looking at the related date range
- EquipmentWatch Blue Book Rates
** Provided by Caltrans from their Construction Manual
CEM-4905 Contractor Authorization to Use Internet Extra Work Bill System Form CEM-4905 is the contractor authorization form and is submitted to the resident engineer by the prime contractor. The Prime Contractor or the Managing Partner of a Joint Venture contract fills out form CEM-4905, the RE verifies that the contractor is in our approved organization list, if not the contractor must provide a copy of their business license along with the user account request form to the project RE, the RE sends documents to District Administrator for processing.