PBM - EWBills Pre-Bills Module
User guide

Export from HJ

From the Pay Estimate tab, select Create New T&M in the Time & Material group.
Then enter or select your Beginning and Ending Dates. Probably leave Foreman as All unless a specific group of timecards for a given foreman is the billing target. Ignore the Billing Rates since the rates will be looked up from EWBills.
After clicking the Next button, you will see the following:
A confirmation window appears to show a successful export. The XML export file should have a name format of HJ_Job Number_YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS.xml.
The file is now available for walking thru the PBM - Pre-Bill Module steps.
If the Bill Number that was manually entered already exists this is what you will see - hence we suggest the bill number convention of YYYYMMDDA - Year, Month, Date, Alpha Sequence Letter.