EWBills - Extra Work Billings and Payment System
(Updated March 7 2025)
  • What is EWBills on the Cloud?

What is EWBills on the Cloud?

Nice Touch Solutions, Inc. located in the San Francisco Bay Area in California develops and provides EWBills as an online subscription solution to processing time and material billings. EWBills is our Extra Work Billing and Payment Tracking System solution for the Heavy Highway industry.
What started as an internal system at Ball, Ball and Brosamer, Inc. in the early 1990s - EWTouch evolved from a DOS program to a Windows program in 1999. In 2013, to better serve our clients, EWTouch evolved into our cloud offering and was renamed to EWBills.
Contractors have been using our system to process extra work billing for Caltrans, Public Works, and Private work as well as doing backcharges, cost analysis and working up quotes. The basis of the program started with the requirement for Caltrans and have extended to accommodate other needs outside the Caltrans specs over time.
EWBills is on the cloud because neither the program or data resides on your computer or servers but rather on our hosting servers.
Our goal and motto is Efficiency with Ease.
This database system houses company resource information just enough to make creating a bill quick. Employees and Equipment linked to rate codes provide for time dependent lookups based on work perform date and job settings. Our multiple Bill Forms are provided including the Caltrans Long and Short Forms. Quick status reports and billing summary lists allow for auditing and analysis.
This system allows for electronic transferring of bill batches from subcontractors to a prime contractor when both parties are using our system for any job. At this time, Caltrans is the only Project Owner that accepts electronic transfer from our system.
Most of the contractors using or have used our system are listed on our website at http://www.ewbills.com/our-clients/.