EWBills - Extra Work Billings and Payment System
(Updated December 12 2024)

New Cloud Launchers

The instructions pictures below will show EWe and 105 – but for you – you will see your assigned Server (something like EWd - EWj and 104 - 110).
1. Go to the C:\NICETOUCH\EWBillsCloudLauncher\ folder and run the Uninstaller Program – double click on Uninst_EWBillsCloudLauncher.exe or something similar.
2.   Go to the EWBills Help Desk www.ewbills.com/ewb-helpdesk/  and log in and single click on the installer button assigned to you.
Depending on your default web browser you will just RUN or SAVE/RUN the installer program. Some antivirus programs will try to intercept and possibly remove the installer and EWBills programs so be aware to allow these files to run.
Run through the Install Wizard.
3.    Go to your computer desktop and you will see three shortcuts – but first double click the EWBills Refresh shortcut and OK then EWBills EW_ Launcher shortcut next.
You may get some RemoteApp warning windows - just check the checkbox to not ask you again.
You will then see a connecting window for a few moments then the log in window with your email address that you previously entered in during the install.